Context and significance Wang et al. provided valuable insights into the epidemiological patterns of avian influenza virus (AIV) spillover and the role of H9N2 in the process. Their analysis highlighted the significant contribution of the internal genes (INGEs) from 12 key strains of H9N2 in facilitating human adaptability by reducing the species barrier between poultry and humans , essentially acting as internal genetic donors for AIV spillover . Due to its low pathogenicity, H9N2 has been neglected in poultry vaccination programs , leading to a lack of vaccines specifically targeting the INGEs of these 12 key strains. Their findings suggest that reducing the prevalence of H9N2 is fundamental to mitigating AIV spillover risks. Highlights • H9N2 exerts a promoting effect on the spillover of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) • Expansion of AIV spatial and host ranges reveals an emerging risk of its spillover • Prevalence of AIVs in human -contacted hosts reveals a re-emerg...
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