Summary The 2024 Nipah outbreak in Kerala, India —its fifth in six years—and the recurring annual outbreaks in Bangladesh underscore the persistent threat posed by the Nipah virus (NiV) in the region. With a high mortality rate, human-to-human transmission potential , and the widespread presence of Pteropus bats , the natural reservoir, NiV remains a significant epidemic threat . Despite being a WHO priority pathogen , there has been no systematic effort to improve patient care for NiVD, leading to consistently poor outcomes . Current care relies on supportive measures and the ‘ compassionate use ’ of unapproved drugs like ribavirin and remdesivir . Drugs used ‘off-label’ during outbreaks can become the ‘standard of care’ without robust evidence of their safety or efficacy, complicating the testing of new therapies and perpetuating uncertainty about their true effectiveness. To improve NiVD care, we propose four key strategies: 1) Enhance early case detection , 2) optimize supportive c...
Media Monitoring for Signals about Emerging Threats