{Summary} Situation at a glance Since January 2025, Angola has been experiencing a substantial cholera outbreak . As of 23 March 2025, a total of 8543 cases and 329 deaths (Case Fatality Rate (CFR) 3.9% ) have been reported, with one-third of the deaths occurring in the community. The outbreak has rapidly spread to 16 out of Angola’s 21 provinces , affecting individuals of all age groups , with the highest burden among those under 20 years old . The Ministry of Health, with support from WHO and partners, is managing the cholera outbreak response through case detection, deployment of rapid response teams, community engagement and a vaccination campaign. Given the rapidly evolving outbreak, ongoing rainy season, and cross-border movement with neighbouring countries, WHO assesses the risk of further transmission in Angola and surrounding areas as very high. (...) Source: World Health Organization, https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2025-DON562 ____
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