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Showing posts with the label orthobunyavirus

#Congenital #Oropouche in #Humans: Clinical Characterization of a Possible New #Teratogenic Syndrome

Abstract Oropouche fever is caused by the Oropouche virus (OROV; Bunyaviridae , Orthobunyavirus), one of the most frequent arboviruses that infect humans in the Brazilian Amazon . This year, an OROV outbreak was identified in Brazil , and its vertical transmission was reported, which was associated with fetal death and microcephaly. We describe the clinical manifestations identified in three cases of congenital OROV infection with confirmed serology (OROV-IgM) in the mother-newborn binomial . One of the newborns died , and post-mortem molecular analysis using real-time RT-qPCR identified the OROV genome in several tissues . All three newborns were born in the Amazon region in Brazil , and the mothers reported fever, rash, headache, myalgia, and/or retro-orbital pain during pregnancy . The newborns presented with severe microcephaly secondary to brain damage and arthrogryposis , suggestive of an embryo/fetal disruptive process at birth . Brain and spinal images identified overlapping su...

Co-Circulation of 2 #Oropouche Virus #Lineages during #Outbreak, #Amazon Region of #Peru, 2023–2024

Abstract We describe introduction of the 2022–2023 Oropouche virus lineage from Brazil , which has caused large-scale outbreaks throughout Brazil , into the Amazon Region of Peru . This lineage is co-circulating with another lineage that was circulating previously. Our findings highlight the need for continued surveillance to monitor Oropouche virus in Peru. Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ____