Direct and indirect #impacts of #COVID19 #pandemic on #life #expectancy and person-years of life lost with & without #disability: A systematic analysis for 18 European countries, 2020–22
Abstract Background The direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy (LE) and years of life lost with and without disability remain unclear. Accounting for pre-pandemic trends in morbidity and mortality, we assessed these impacts in 18 European countries, for the years 2020–2022. Methods and Findings We used multi-state Markov modeling based on several data sources to track transitions of the population aged 35 or older between eight health states from disease-free, combinations of cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, dementia, and disability, through to death . We quantified separately numbers and rates of deaths attributable to COVID-19 from those related to mortality from other causes during 2020–2022, and estimated the proportion of loss of life expectancy and years of life with and without disability that could have been avoided if the pandemic had not occurred. Estimates were disaggregated by COVID-19 versus non-COVID causes of deaths, calendar...