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Showing posts with the label h1n1pdm09

Detection of #antibodies against #influenza A viruses in #cattle

ABSTRACT Unexpected outbreaks caused by the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) in dairy cows in the United States (US) have raised significant veterinary and public health concerns . When and how the H5N1 HPAIV was introduced into dairy cows and the broader epidemiology of influenza A virus (IAV) infections in cattle in the US remain unclear. Herein, we performed a retrospective study to screen more than 1,700 cattle serum samples collected from different bovine breeds in the US from January 2023 to May 2024 using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) targeting the nucleoprotein (NP) to detect IAV infections, and the positive samples were further tested by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay . Results showed that 586 of 1,724 samples (33.99%) from 15 US states were seropositive by the NP ELISA assay , including 78 samples collected in 2024 and 508 samples collected in 2023 . Moreover, the HI assay revealed that 45 of these ELISA-positive samples were positiv...

Quantifying #viral #pandemic #potential from experimental #transmission #studies

Abstract In the past two decades, two pandemic respiratory viruses (H1N1 and SARS-CoV-2) have emerged via spillover from animal reservoirs . In an effort to avert future pandemics, surveillance studies aimed at identifying zoonotic viruses at high risk of spilling over into humans act to monitor the `viral chatter' at the animal-human interface . These studies are hampered, however, by the diversity of zoonotic viruses and the limited tools available to assess pandemic risk. Methods currently in use include the characterization of candidate viruses using in vitro laboratory assays and experimental transmission studies in animal models . However, transmission experiments yield relatively low-resolution outputs that are not immediately translatable to projections of viral dynamics at the level of a host population. To address this gap, we present an analytical framework to extend the use of measurements from experimental transmission studies to generate more quantitative risk assessm...

Analysis on #epidemiological characteristics of #influenza and #genetic characteristics of influenza virus in 2023-2024 surveillance year in #Shandong Province

Abstract Objective :  To analyze the epidemiological, etiological and genetic characteristics of influenza virus in Shandong Province during 2023-2024.  Methods :  The surveillance data of influenza-like illness (ILI) in sentinel hospitals in Shandong from 2023 to 2024 were collected and analyzed. The isolated influenza strains with hemagglutination titers ≥8 were selected for antigenicity analysis , drug susceptibility test, gene sequencing and evolutionary analysis .  Results :  From 2023 to 2024, the positive rate of influenza virus in Shandong was 8.51% (23 663/277 995), the highest positive rate was in the age group of 5-14 years (15.78%, 6 073/38 478), and the highest positive rate was in the 49th week (35.86%, 2 264/6 313). Both antigenicity analysis and evolutionary analysis showed that the A(H1N1)pdm09 subtype and B(Victoria) strain had good matching effect and close evolutionary distance with the 2023-2024 surveillance year vaccine strain. The A(H3N2) ...

#US #CDC A(#H5N1) #Birdflu Response #Update March 19, 2025

{Excerpts} Recent updates Laboratory CDC completed serology testing on blood specimens from close contacts of a child with mild illness in San Francisco who was confirmed to be positive for avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, though, there were no known animal exposures associated with that case.  -- Serology testing was conducted to look for antibodies to influenza A(H5N1) virus in this child, which would indicate recent infection.  -- The child's blood was tested and found to have antibodies to avian influenza A(H5N1) virus.  -- None of the close contacts of the case in San Francisco who were tested had antibodies to avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, which supports the conclusion that none of these close contacts were infected , and that no person-to-person spread occurred among these close contacts.  -- These findings are reassuring. To date, human-to-human transmission of influenza A(H5) virus has not been identified in the United States. CDC has sequenced the virus from...

Defining transmissible dose 50%, donor #inoculation dose that results in #airborne #transmission to 50% of contacts, for 2 #pandemic #influenza viruses in ferrets

Abstract Ferrets are widely used to model airborne transmission of influenza viruses in humans. Airborne transmission is evaluated by infecting donor ferrets with a high virus dose (106 infectious units) and monitoring transmission to contact animals sharing the same airspace . However, humans can be infected with a broad range of influenza virus doses. Therefore, we evaluated the relationship between virus inoculation dose and transmission for two pandemic influenza viruses in ferrets. Donor ferrets were inoculated with 100 to 106 tissue culture infectious dose 50 (TCID50) of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 or 1968 H3N2 pandemic virus , and were then paired with respiratory contacts . Using the proportion of donors that became infected across virus doses, we calculated the infectious dose 50 (ID50). Subsequently, by comparing the proportion of respiratory contacts that became infected, we calculated the transmissible dose 50% (TD50): the donor inoculation dose that resulted in transmission to ...

Effect of Prior #Influenza #H1N1pdm09 Virus #Infection on #Pathogenesis and #Transmission of #Human Influenza A(#H5N1) Clade Virus in #Ferret Model

Abstract Reports of human infections with an influenza A(H5N1) clade virus associated with outbreaks in dairy cows in the United States underscore the need to assess the potential cross-protection conferred by existing influenza immunity . We serologically evaluated ferrets previously infected with an influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus for cross-reactive antibodies and then challenged 3 months later with either highly pathogenic H5N1 clade or low pathogenicity H7N9 virus . Our results showed that prior influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection more effectively reduced the replication and transmission of the H5N1 virus than did the H7N9 virus, a finding supported by the presence of group 1 hemagglutinin stalk and N1 neuraminidase antibodies in preimmune ferrets. Our findings suggest that prior influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection may confer some level of protection against influenza A(H5N1) clade virus. Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,  htt...

#Influenza A(#H5N1) Immune #Response among #Ferrets with Influenza #H1N1pdm09 #Immunity

Abstract The emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus in dairy cattle herds across the United States in 2024 caused several human infections . Understanding the risk for spillover infections into humans is crucial for protecting public health. We investigated whether immunity from influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 (pH1N1) virus would provide protection from death and severe clinical disease among ferrets intranasally infected with H5N1 virus from dairy cows from the 2024 outbreak. We observed differential tissue tropism among pH1N1-immune ferrets. pH1N1-immune ferrets also had little H5N1 viral dissemination to organs outside the respiratory tract and much less H5N1 virus in nasal secretions and the respiratory tract than naive ferrets. In addition, ferrets with pH1N1 immunity produced antibodies that cross-reacted with H5N1 neuraminidase protein. Taken together, our results suggest that humans with immunity to human seasonal influenza viruses may experience milder disease fro...

Rapid #Surge of #Reassortant A(#H1N1) #Influenza Viruses in Danish #Swine and their #Zoonotic Potential

Abstract In 2018, a single detection of a novel reassortant swine influenza A virus (swIAV) was made in Denmark . The hemagglutinin (HA) of the virus was from the H1N1 pandemic 2009 (H1N1pdm09) lineage and the neuraminidase (NA) from the H1N1 Eurasian avian-like swine lineage (H1N1av). By 2022, the novel reassortant virus (H1pdm09N1av) constituted 27% of swIAVs identified through the Danish passive swIAV surveillance program . Sequencing detected two H1pdm09N1av genotypes; Genotype 1 contained an entire internal gene cassette of H1N1pdm09 origin, Genotype 2 differed by carrying an NS gene segment of H1N1av origin . The internal gene cassette of Genotype 2 became increasingly dominant, not only in the H1pdm09N1av population, but also in other Danish enzootic swIAV subtypes. Phylogenetic analysis of the HA genes from H1pdm09N1av viruses revealed a monophyletic source , a higher substitution rate compared to other H1N1pdm09 viruses and genetic differences with human seasonal and other swi...

The #Swiss national #program for #surveillance of #influenza A viruses in #pigs and #humans: genetic variability and zoonotic transmissions from 2010 – 2022

Abstract Influenza A viruses (IAV) are likely candidates for pandemics . This report summarizes the results of the Swiss national program for surveillance of influenza viruses in pigs and transmissions to humans between 2010 and 2022. Challenges and optimization options in the program are discussed. Nasal swabs or lung tissue samples from pigs with influenza-like signs (e.g. fever, cough) were screened by real-time RT-PCR for swine influenza virus (SIV) genomes, including that of the 2009 pandemic strain A(H1N1)pdm09; positive samples were subtyped for H1, N1, H3 and N2 by RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing. In parallel, humans with influenza-like symptoms and recent contact to diseased pigs were asked to self-sample themselves with a nasal swab. Human swabs were tested for IAV and positive swabs further subtyped to identify potential cross-species transmission between swine and humans. In the pigs, SIV was detected in 375 of 674 farm visits . H1N1 is the only subtype detected in Swiss pigs ...

#Isolation and Characterization of #H1 Subtype #Swine #Influenza Viruses Recently Circulating in #China

Abstract Pigs serve as a mixing vessel for influenza viruses and can independently promote the emergence of pandemic strains in humans. During our surveillance of pig populations from 2021 to 2023 in China , 11 H1 subtype swine influenza viruses (SIVs) were isolated. All viruses were reassortants , possessing internal genes of identical origins ( PB2, PB1, PA, NP, M : pdm09/H1N1 origin, NS : North American triple reassortant origin). The H1N1 isolates were all the dominant G4 EA H1N1 viruses in China. Two H1N2 isolates carried early human pdm09/H1N1 HA genes, suggesting a possible pig-to-human transmission route. Mutations that dictate host range specificity were identified in all isolates, a phenomenon which may enhance the affinity to human receptors. These H1 subtype viruses effectively replicated both in vivo and in vitro without prior adaptation and exhibited different pathogenicity and growth characteristics. Some of the H1 viruses were even found to cause lethal infections in mi...

Novel introductions of #human-origin #H3N2 #influenza viruses in #swine, #Chile

Abstract Influenza A virus (IAV) continuously threatens animal and public health globally , with swine serving as a crucial reservoir for viral reassortment and evolution . In Chile , H1N2 and H3N2 subtypes were introduced in the swine population before the H1N1 2009 pandemic, and the H1N1 was introduced from the H1N1pdm09 by successive reverse zoonotic events . Here, we report two novel introductions of IAV H3N2 human-origin in Chilean swine during 2023. Our study reveals a closer relationship between recent human seasonal H3N2 and novel swine strains. Interestingly, one strain maintains all the genes from the original human virus , but the other strain is already a reassortment of human H3N2 and an H1N2 previously observed on the farm. Observing global IAV sequences, a similar pattern was identified in the USA confirming the reverse zoonotic potential of current seasonal human H3N2 strains. These results highlight the importance of ongoing surveillance and reinforcing biosecurity in ...

#Zoonotic #transmission of novel #Influenza A #variant viruses detected in #Brazil during 2020 to 2023

Abstract Zoonotic infections (swine-human) caused by influenza A viruses (IAVs) have been reported and linked to close contact between these species . Here, we describe eight human IAV variant infections ( 6 mild and 2 severe cases , including 1 death ) detected in Paraná, Brazil , during 2020–2023. Genomes recovered were closely related to Brazilian swIAVs of three major lineages (1 A.3.3.2/ pdm09, 1B/human-like, and H3.1990.5), including three H1N1v, two H1N2v, two H3N2v and one H1v. Five H1v were closely related to pdm09 lineage , one H1v ( H1N2v ) grouped within 1B.2.3 clade, and the two H3v grouped within a clade composed exclusively of Brazilian H3 swIAV (clade H3.1990.5.1). Internal gene segments were closely related to H1N1pdm09 isolated from pigs . IAV variant rarely result in sustained transmission between people, however the potential to develop such ability is of concern and must not be underestimated. This study brings into focus the need for continuous influenza surveilla...

Two #genotypes of #H3N2 #swine #influenza viruses identified in #pigs from #Shandong Province, #China

 {Summary} Swine influenza virus (SIV) is a highly contagious pathogen that poses significant economic challenges to the swine industry and carries zoonotic potential , underscoring the need for vigilant surveillance. In this study, we performed a comprehensive genetic and molecular analysis of H3N2 SIV isolates obtained from 372 swine samples collected in Shandong Province, China . Phylogenetic analysis revealed two distinct genotypes . The surface genes of both genotypes clustered with the human-like H3N2 lineage , while the internal genes of one genotype clustered with the 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pdm/09) lineage . In the second genotype, the NS gene clustered with the classical swine (CS) H1N1 lineage , while the remaining internal genes clustered with pdm/09, suggesting stable integration of pdm/09 gene segments into H3N2 SIV. Homology analysis showed over 96% genetic similarity between the isolates and reference strains from China and Brazil , suggesting potential transmission thr...

Acute #respiratory #infections complicated by #malaria (previously undiagnosed disease) - #DRC

{Excerpts} 27 December 2024 Situation at a glance This is an update to the Disease Outbreak News on Undiagnosed disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo published on 8 December 2024 (now named acute respiratory infections complicated by malaria).  It includes updated epidemiological investigation information and preliminary laboratory results.  On 29 November, an alert was raised by local health zone authorities of Panzi health zone in Kwango province after an increase in deaths , particularly among children under five years of age , following febrile illness .  Enhanced epidemiological surveillance was rapidly implemented, which in the absence of a clear diagnosis was based on the detection of syndromic cases of febrile illnesses with cough, body weakness, with one of a number of other symptoms compatible with acute respiratory and febrile illnesses.  This resulted in a rapid increase in the number of cases meeting the definition, with a total of 891 cases re...

#DRC, #Kwango province affected by #influenza {A #H1N1} virus in #Panzi health zone

The flu caused by the Influenza virus, associated with malaria on a ground of malnutrition, is the unknown disease that has been decimating the population in the health zone of Panzi, in the province of Kwango, for more than a month. This is what the diagnosis made by the INRB reveals after in-depth analyses.  The governor of Kwango province , Willy Bitwisila, officially declared on Wednesday night, December 5, this epidemic which has caused around thirty deaths and more than 400 cases in this part of the Kasongolunda territory. "This is the epidemic that is causing deaths in the previously unidentified Panzi health zone.  '' After a rigorous investigation , the results from the INRB laboratory have just confirmed that it is influenza caused by the Influenza AH1N1 virus, {rhinovirus, SARS-CoV-2, edited, in the article the terms are unreadable }, associated with malaria on the ground of malnutrition .  '' An epidemic that I am now officially declaring . I would ther...

Targets of #influenza #human T-cell response are mostly conserved in #H5N1

ABSTRACT Frequent recent spillovers of subtype H5N1 clade highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus into poultry and mammals , especially dairy cattle, including several human cases , increased concerns over a possible future pandemic . Here, we performed an analysis of epitope data curated in the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB). We found that the patterns of immunodominance of seasonal influenza viruses circulating in humans and H5N1 are similar . We further conclude that a significant fraction of the T-cell epitopes is conserved at a level associated with cross-reactivity between avian and seasonal sequences, and we further experimentally demonstrate extensive cross-reactivity in the most dominant T-cell epitopes curated in the IEDB. Based on these observations, and the overall similarity of the neuraminidase (NA) N1 subtype encoded in both HPAI and seasonal H1N1 influenza virus as well as cross-reactive group 1 HA stalk-reactive antibodies, we expect that a degree of pr...

Respiratory Virus-Specific and #Time-Dependent #Interference of #Adenovirus Type 2, #SARS-CoV-2 and #Influenza Virus #H1N1pdm09 During Viral Dual Co-Infection and Superinfection In Vitro

Abstract Background .  Understanding the interference patterns of respiratory viruses could be important for shedding light on potential strategies to combat these human infectious agents.  Objective .  To investigate the possible interactions between adenovirus type 2 (AdV2), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ( SARS-CoV-2 ) and influenza A/H1N1 pandemic (H1N1pdm09) using the A549 cell line .  Methods .  Single infections, co-infections, and superinfections (at 3 and 24 h after the first virus infection) were performed by varying the multiplicity of infection (MOI). Virus replication kinetics and the mRNA expression of IFN-α, IL-1α and IL-6 were assessed by real-time qPCR.  Results .  Co-infection experiments showed different growth dynamics , depending on the presence of the specific virus and time. AdV2 replication remained stable or possibly enhanced in the presence of co-infection with each of the two H1N1pdm09 and SARS-CoV-2 viruses ...

From North to South: #Transmission #Dynamics of #H1N1pdm09 Swine #Influenza A Viruses in #Italy

Abstract The influenza A H1N1pdm09 virus continues to be a significant pathogen , posing potential risks to both animal and human health due to its zoonotic potential . Italy , which has one of the largest swine populations in Europe , plays a crucial role in monitoring the evolution of influenza viruses in livestock. This study aims to address the existing knowledge gaps regarding the genetic diversity and transmission dynamics of H1N1pdm09 circulating in Italian swine populations. Utilizing whole genome sequencing and dynamic modeling , we conducted a comprehensive analysis of virus samples collected from swine farms across Italy. Our results reveal that multiple independent viral introductions have occurred into the country, with most cases resulting in self-limited infections and limited onward transmission . However, six distinct transmission clusters were identified, suggesting instances of sustained viral spread. These clusters were found across multiple regions of Italy, highli...

Rapid #Surge of #Reassortant A(#H1N1) #Influenza Viruses in Danish #Swine and their #Zoonotic Potential

 Source: BioRxIV,  Abstract In 2018, a single detection of a novel reassortant swine influenza A virus (swIAV) was made in Denmark . The hemagglutinin (HA) of the virus was from the H1N1 pandemic 2009 (H1N1pdm09) lineage and the neuraminidase (NA) from the H1N1 Eurasian avian-like swine lineage (H1N1av). By 2022, the novel reassortant virus (H1pdm09N1av) constituted 27 % of swIAVs identified through the Danish passive swIAV surveillance program. Sequencing detected two H1pdm09N1av genotypes ; Genotype 1 contained an internal gene cassette of H1N1pdm09 origin , Genotype 2 differed by carrying an NS gene segment of H1N1av origin . The internal gene cassette of Genotype 2 became increasingly dominant, not only in the H1pdm09N1av population, but also in other Danish enzootic swIAV subtypes . Phylogenetic analysis of the HA genes from H1pdm09N1av viruses revealed a monophyletic source , a higher substitution rat...