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Avian #Influenza Virus #Surveillance Across #NZ and Its Subantarctic #Islands Detects #H1N9 in Migratory #Shorebirds, but Not HPAI #H5N1

Abstract Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus subtype H5N1 has never been detected in New Zealand . The potential impact of this virus on New Zealand's wild birds would be catastrophic. To expand our knowledge of avian influenza viruses across New Zealand, we sampled wild aquatic birds from New Zealand, its outer islands and its subantarctic territories. Metatranscriptomic analysis of 700 individuals spanning 33 species revealed no detection of H5N1 during the annual 2023-2024 migration. A single detection of H1N9 in red knots (Calidris canutus) was noted. This study provides a baseline for expanding avian influenza virus monitoring in New Zealand. Source: US National Library of Medicine, ____

#Genetic and #antigenic characteristics of #zoonotic #influenza A viruses and development of candidate #vaccine viruses for #pandemic preparedness {WHO, March 28 '25}

February 2025  The development of influenza candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs),  coordinated by WHO, remains an essential component of the overall global  strategy for influenza pandemic preparedness . Selection and development of  CVVs are the first steps towards timely vaccine production and do not imply a  recommendation for initiating manufacture. National authorities may consider the  use of 1 or more of these CVVs for pilot lot vaccine production, clinical trials and  other pandemic preparedness purposes based on their assessment of public health  risk and need. Zoonotic influenza viruses continue to be identified  and evolve both antigenically and genetically, leading to the need for additional  CVVs for pandemic preparedness purposes. Changes in the antigenic and genetic  characteristics of these viruses relative to existing CVVs and their potential risks  to public health justify the need to develop new CVVs. This docume...

#USA, Monitoring for Avian #Influenza A(#H5) Virus In #Wastewater {US CDC, March 28 '25}

{Excerpt} Time Period: March 16 - March 22, 2025 -- H5 Detection :  5 sites ( 1.2% ) -- No Detection :  401 sites ( 98.8% ) -- No samples in last week :  211 sites (...) Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ____

Early-warning #signals and the role of #H9N2 in the #spillover of avian #influenza viruses

Context and significance Wang et al. provided valuable insights into the epidemiological patterns of avian influenza virus (AIV) spillover and the role of H9N2 in the process. Their analysis highlighted the significant contribution of the internal genes (INGEs) from 12 key strains of H9N2 in facilitating human adaptability by reducing the species barrier between poultry and humans , essentially acting as internal genetic donors for AIV spillover . Due to its low pathogenicity, H9N2 has been neglected in poultry vaccination programs , leading to a lack of vaccines specifically targeting the INGEs of these 12 key strains. Their findings suggest that reducing the prevalence of H9N2 is fundamental to mitigating AIV spillover risks. Highlights •  H9N2 exerts a promoting effect on the spillover of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) •  Expansion of AIV spatial and host ranges reveals an emerging risk of its spillover •  Prevalence of AIVs in human -contacted hosts reveals a re-emerg...

Highly pathogenic avian #influenza #H5N1: #history, current #situation, and #outlook

ABSTRACT The H5N1 avian panzootic has resulted in cross-species transmission to birds and mammals, causing outbreaks in wildlife, poultry, and US dairy cattle with a range of host-dependent pathogenic outcomes . Although no human-to-human transmission has been observed, the rising number of zoonotic human cases creates opportunities for adaptive mutation or reassortment . This Gem explores the history, evolution, virology, and epidemiology of clade H5N1 relative to its pandemic potential. Pandemic risk reduction measures are urgently required. Source: Journal of Virology, ____

Establishing #Methods to #Monitor #Influenza A #H5N1 Virus in Dairy #Cattle #Milk, #Massachusetts, #USA

Abstract Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus has caused a multistate outbreak among US dairy cattle , spreading across 16 states and infecting hundreds of herds since its onset. We rapidly developed and optimized PCR-based detection assays and sequencing protocols to support H5N1 molecular surveillance . Using 214 retail milk samples from 20 states for methods development, we found that H5N1 virus concentrations by digital PCR strongly correlated with quantitative PCR cycle threshold values ; digital PCR exhibited greater sensitivity. Metagenomic sequencing after hybrid selection was best for higher concentration samples, whereas amplicon sequencing performed best for lower concentrations. By establishing these methods, we were able to support the creation of a statewide surveillance program to perform monthly testing of bulk milk samples from all dairy cattle farms in Massachusetts , USA, which remain negative to date. The methods, workflow, and recommendations described p...

Detection of #antibodies against #influenza A viruses in #cattle

ABSTRACT Unexpected outbreaks caused by the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) in dairy cows in the United States (US) have raised significant veterinary and public health concerns . When and how the H5N1 HPAIV was introduced into dairy cows and the broader epidemiology of influenza A virus (IAV) infections in cattle in the US remain unclear. Herein, we performed a retrospective study to screen more than 1,700 cattle serum samples collected from different bovine breeds in the US from January 2023 to May 2024 using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) targeting the nucleoprotein (NP) to detect IAV infections, and the positive samples were further tested by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay . Results showed that 586 of 1,724 samples (33.99%) from 15 US states were seropositive by the NP ELISA assay , including 78 samples collected in 2024 and 508 samples collected in 2023 . Moreover, the HI assay revealed that 45 of these ELISA-positive samples were positiv...

#Transmission of #bovine #H5N1 virus in a #hamster #model

LETTER Transmission among mammals of bovine highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses , which have caused outbreaks in US dairy cattle (1–3), has been demonstrated in ferrets by our group (4, 5) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (6). These studies showed that these viruses can be transmitted among ferrets via respiratory droplets , albeit with lower efficiency than seasonal human influenza viruses. In contrast, bovine HPAI H5N1 viruses spread easily among ferrets through direct contact (3 of 3 [100%] ferrets) (6). Although ferrets are frequently used for influenza virus transmission (7–9) and vaccine efficacy (10, 11) studies, they demand considerable housing space and personnel and can be difficult to handle. Here, we investigated the transmissibility of the bovine HPAI H5N1 virus A/Texas/37/2024 (TX/37), which was 100% lethal in ferrets inoculated with as little as 10 plaque-forming units (PFUs) (5) by using a hamster model .  (...) Bovine HP...

Promising effects of #duck #vaccination against highly pathogenic avian #influenza, #France 2023-24

Abstract The ongoing panzootic of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 clade has caused widespread poultry mortality and raised concerns about zoonotic pandemics and wildlife conservation . France recently adopted a preventive vaccination strategy , vaccinating domestic ducks with inactivated and mRNA vaccines . This study evaluates the impact of this campaign on reducing HPAI H5 outbreaks. Using predictive modeling based on previous outbreak data, the expected number of outbreaks in 2023-24 without vaccination was significantly higher than the observed cases, indicating a 95.9% reduction attributable to vaccination . These findings suggest that vaccination effectively mitigated the HPAI H5 outbreak in France. Source: BioRxIV, ____

#UK, #England: Confirmed findings of #influenza of #avian origin in captive #mammals (as of March 25 '25)

Sheep, March 2025 One domestic sheep (Ovis aries) tested positive for influenza of avian origin (H5N1) in March 2025 . The case was identified following routine surveillance of farmed livestock on a premises in Yorkshire where highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) had been confirmed in other captive birds . The single animal was a ewe with signs of mastitis but no other clinical signs . The milk was positive by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the blood tested positive for H5 antibodies.   All affected birds and the infected ewe were humanely culled to mitigate the risk of further disease spread. Further official testing of the remaining flock of sheep were all negative for the presence of avian influenza virus. Source: DEFRA, ____

Young #boy in #Cambodia contracts #H5N1 #birdflu

PHNOM PENH, March 23 (Xinhua) -- A three-year-and-six-month boy from northeast Cambodia's Kratie province has been confirmed for H5N1 human avian influenza , raising the number of cases to three so far this year , said a Ministry of Health's statement on Sunday. The boy had been brought to the hospital in a critical condition with fever, cough, and dyspnea , it said, adding that he is receiving medical treatment with the utmost care from a team of doctors. "According to queries, the patient's family raised chickens and about five chickens had died , as some others were sick, and his family members cooked the dead poultry for food," the statement said. Health authorities are looking into the source of the infection and are examining any suspected cases or people who have been in contact with the patient in order to prevent an outbreak in the community, it added. Among the three human cases of H5N1 so far this year , two had died, and all patients reportedly had a h...

Impact of #pH and #temperature in dairy #processing on the infectivity of #H5N1 avian #influenza viruses

Abstract Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) of subtype H5N1 (clade have crossed the species barrier and caused a mastitis-like infection in dairy cows . The high levels of infectious virus found in the milk raised considerable concerns about the safety of raw milk products . This study examined the effect of temperature and pH on the stability of HPAIV and low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses (LPAIV). We found that H5N1 HPAIV remained infectious in milk at 4 degrees Celsius for four weeks , with slow decreases at 21 degrees Celsius, and complete inactivation at 37 degrees Celsius after four weeks . H5N1 LPAIV was stable at 50 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes but inactivated at higher temperatures (55 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, 60 degrees Celsius for 1 minute, or 72 degrees Celsius for 30 seconds). At pH levels between 6 and 10 , the virus remained stable but was partially inactivated at pH 5.0 and completely inactivated at pH 4.0. During yogurt production,...

#USA, Monitoring for Avian #Influenza #H5 Virus In #Wastewater {week 11-25}

{Excerpt} Time Period: March 09 - March 15, 2025 -- H5 Detection :  12 sites ( 2.7% ) -- No Detection :  431 sites ( 97.3% ) -- No samples in last week :  177 sites (...) Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ____

St. Helena - #Influenza A #H5N1 viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-) - Immediate notification

On 12th September 2024, a dead Tristan (Brown) Skua (Stercorarius antarcticus hamiltoni) was found at the Gough Island helipad. The following day, a live skua was observed showing suspicious signs of HPAI , including head drooping, lethargy and weakness , and was later reported dead. Between the 12th and 15th September, a total of four skuas were found dead from suspicious causes. Three carcasses were swabbed on the 20th of September and all were confirmed POSITIVE for H5N1 HPAIV by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (Weybridge laboratory) in the UK on the 24th of October 2024. On the day of sampling, the fourth carcass could not be found and was probably taken away by a scavenging skua. Since then, no further signs of HPAI among skuas or in other seabirds breeding on Gough Island, have been observed. Source: WOAH, ____

#Validation of #H5 #influenza virus subtyping #RTqPCR #assay and low prevalence of H5 #detection in 2024-2025 influenza virus season

Abstract A sustained outbreak of H5N1 influenza virus among wild fowl and domestic livestock has caused more than 70 zoonotic infections in humans in the United States , including one death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended rapid H5 subtyping for all hospitalized cases with influenza A virus infection to enable prompt initiation of antiviral treatment , as well as infection prevention and implementation of public health measures to control spread. To address these needs, we developed a multiplex RT-qPCR assay to subtype H5 influenza virus in nasal, nasopharyngeal, and conjunctival specimens with a limit of detection of 230 copies/mL. No cross-reactivity was observed with other common respiratory viruses, including seasonal H3N2 and H1N1 influenza A viruses. We retrospectively subtyped 590 influenza A-positive clinical specimens processed by University of Washington labs between March 2024 and February 2025, including 512 specimens collected during the 2024...