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Unique #duck rearing practice in irrigated #rice paddy #fields driving recurrent #H5N1 avian #influenza #outbreaks in two districts of #Kerala, #India

Abstract Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks have repeatedly occurred in two districts of Kerala state, India , over the last few years. The outbreaks in the wetland areas coincided with the arrival of migratory birds. At the time, the factors responsible for local transmission in ducks were not known. This study aimed to identify the socio-economic factors responsible for spatial variation in the occurrence of HPAI outbreaks in the two districts using Bayesian network modelling (BNM) and Stochastic Partial Differential Equation (SPDE) model. Further, information was collected on the duck rearing practices in rice paddy fields to identify the risk factors for local – spread of the outbreaks. We found that the SPDE model without covariates explained variation in occurrence of outbreaks. The number of rice paddy fields used by the duck farmers was identified as risk factor. We concluded based on BNM and SPDE that the infected migratory birds were the source of infection fo...

#WHO comments on #USA #announcement of intent to withdraw

The World Health Organization regrets the announcement that the United States of America intends to withdraw from the Organization. WHO plays a crucial role in protecting the health and security of the world’s people, including Americans , by addressing the root causes of disease, building stronger health systems, and detecting, preventing and responding to health emergencies, including disease outbreaks, often in dangerous places where others cannot go. The United States was a founding member of WHO in 1948 and has participated in shaping and governing WHO’s work ever since, alongside 193 other Member States, including through its active participation in the World Health Assembly and Executive Board.  For over seven decades, WHO and the USA have saved countless lives and protected Americans and all people from health threats. Together, we ended smallpox, and together we have brought polio to the brink of eradication. American institutions have contributed to and benefited from mem...

#Israel - #Influenza A #H5N1 viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (non-poultry including wild birds) (2017-) - Immediate notification

A wild  Eurasian buzzard in  HaDarom region. Ashqelon : The outbreak occurred in an ecological park where poultry as ducks , guinea fowls , peacocks and wild birds are free living. Source: WOAH, _____

#Chapare haemorrhagic fever- the Plurinational State of #Bolivia

Situation at a glance On 7 January 2025, the International Health Regulations National Focal Point for the Plurinational State of Bolivia notified WHO of a laboratory-confirmed case of Chapare virus infection in an adult male from La Paz Department .  Chapare haemorrhagic fever is an acute viral illness caused by Chapare virus .  The virus was first identified in 2003 in Bolivia and has been associated with five documented outbreaks to date, all occurring within the country.  These outbreaks have primarily affected rural areas in the La Paz Department, with the most recent case.  There is no significant risk of international spread of the disease, as person-to-person transmission of the Chapare virus is possible but remains rare in the general population.  As of 13 January 2025, no secondary cases have been reported, and all contacts remain without symptoms.  Public health measures , such as disinfection and rodent control, have been implemented. Descriptio...

#USA, #Massachusetts: State Officials Suspect HPAI Outbreak Impacting Geese and Other Wildlife

PLYMOUTH — State environmental and health officials are informing the public that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), which very rarely infects humans, is suspected to be the cause of over 60 deceased Canada geese, swans, and other birds in Plymouth.  The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife), the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) are advising the public to refrain from handling birds or other animals that are dead or appear sick . Reporting wild birds:  The public should report observations of sick or deceased birds if 5 or more birds are found at a single location using this simple form at Reporting domestic birds:  The public should report sick or dead poultry or other domestic birds by calling MDAR’s Division of Animal Health at (617) 626-1795. Handling birds and other wildlife : The public should strictly avoid handling any sick or dead birds or other animal...

#Tanzania confirms #outbreak of #Marburg virus disease

Dodoma, 20 January 2025 – Tanzania today confirmed an outbreak of Marburg virus disease in the northwestern Kagera region after one case tested positive for the virus following investigations and laboratory analysis of suspected cases of the disease . President of the Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan , made the announcement during a press briefing alongside World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus , in the country’s administrative capital Dodoma. “Laboratory tests conducted in Kabaile Mobile Laboratory in Kagera and later confirmed in Dar es Salaam identified one patient as being infected with the Marburg virus. Fortunately, the remaining suspected patients tested negative ,” the president said. “We have demonstrated in the past our ability to contain a similar outbreak and are determined to do the same this time around.” A total of 25 suspected cases have been reported as of 20 January 2025 , all of whom have tested negati...

#Coronavirus Disease Research #References (by AMEDEO, January 19 '25)

  J Infect NURMI V, Mayne R, Knight C, Almonacid-Mendoza HL, et al Individual patient and donor seroprofiles in convalescent plasma treatment of COVID-19 in REMAP-CAP clinical trial. J Infect. 2025 Jan 9:106412. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2025.106412. PubMed           Abstract available RJOOB K, Antonelli M, Murray B, Molteni E, et al Symptom Evolution in Individuals with Ongoing Symptomatic COVID-19 and Post COVID-19 Syndrome After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Versus Influenza Vaccination. J Infect. 2025 Jan 10:106406. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2024.106406. PubMed           Abstract available WENDEL-GARCIA PD, Ceccato A, Motos A, Franch-Llasat D, et al Empirical antibiotic therapy improves outcomes in mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19: An emulated targeted trial within a prospective, multicentre cohort study. J Infect. 2025 Jan 13:106411. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2025.106411. PubMed    ...

#Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Research #References (by AMEDEO, Jan. 19 '25)

  Biochem Biophys Res Commun DU S, Yang L, Chen X, Chen Y, et al Engineering mRNA vaccine with broad-spectrum protection against SARS-cov-2 variants. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2025;746:151224. PubMed           Abstract available BMC Pediatr YANG SI, Choi CH, Lee EJ, Jee SH, et al Impact of pediatric COVID-19 isolation on children's well-being and caregiver mental health. BMC Pediatr. 2025;25:37. PubMed           Abstract available Epidemiol Infect NOSTAEVA A, Shimansky V, Apalko S, Kuznetsov I, et al Case-control association study between polygenic risk score and COVID-19 severity in a Russian population using low-pass genome sequencing. Epidemiol Infect. 2024;153:e13. PubMed           Abstract available J Infect RJOOB K, Antonelli M, Murray B, Molteni E, et al Symptom Evolution in Individuals with Ongoing Symptomatic COVID-19 and Post COVID-19 Sy...

Seated Deity (Macuilcoatl)

 Aztec Art, Postclassic (ca. 900-1580), basalt. Public Domain. Source: WikiArt, _____

Retrospective #modelling of the #disease and #mortality burden of the 1918–1920 #influenza #pandemic in #Zurich, #Switzerland

Abstract Background Our study aims to enhance future pandemic preparedness by integrating lessons from historical pandemics, focusing on the multidimensional analysis of past outbreaks. It addresses the gap in existing modelling studies by combining various pandemic parameters in a comprehensive setting. Using Zurich as a case study, we seek a deeper understanding of pandemic dynamics to inform future scenarios. Data and methods We use newly digitized weekly aggregated epidemic/pandemic time series (incidence, hospitalisations, mortality and sickness absences from work) to retrospectively model the 1918–1920 pandemic in Zurich and investigate how different parameters correspond, how transmissibility changed during the different waves, and how public health interventions were associated with changes in these pandemic parameters. Results In general, the various time series show a good temporal correspondence , but differences in their expression can also be observed. The first wave in th...

#Replication kinetics, #pathogenicity and virus-induced cellular responses of #cattle-origin #influenza A(#H5N1) isolates from #Texas, #USA

ABSTRACT The host range of HPAIV H5N1 was recently expanded to include ruminants , particularly dairy cattle in the United States (US). Shortly after, human H5N1 infection was reported in a dairy worker in Texas following exposure to infected cattle. Herein, we rescued the cattle-origin influenza A/bovine/Texas/24-029328-02/2024(H5N1, rHPbTX) and A/Texas/37/2024(H5N1, rHPhTX) viruses, identified in dairy cattle and human, respectively, and their low pathogenic forms , rLPbTX and rLPhTX, with monobasic HA cleavage sites . Intriguingly, rHPhTX replicated more efficiently than rHPbTX in mammalian and avian cells . Still, variations in the PA and NA proteins didn’t affect their antiviral susceptibility to PA and NA inhibitors. Unlike rHPbTX and rLPbTX, both rHPhTX and rLPhTX exhibited higher pathogenicity and efficient replication in infected C57BL/6J mice . The lungs of rHPhTX-infected mice produced higher inflammatory cytokines/chemokines than rHPbTX-infected mice. Our results highlight ...

#USA, #Connecticut: Highly Pathogenic Avian #Influenza #H5N1 Detected in New London County #Backyard #Poultry Flock

(HARTFORD, CT) – Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) advises that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1, or bird flu, was confirmed in a backyard flock located in New London County on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 .  The backyard flock, consisting of chickens, ducks, and peacocks , were family pets , not commercial poultry, and had close contact with wild waterfowl in a nearby pond . Samples were sent to the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) for testing. The results from CVMDL were then confirmed by the United States Department of Agriculture National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa. H5N1 is highly contagious among domestic poultry, and at this time there is no effective treatment or approved vaccine for the virus in poultry. The infected flock has been depopulated to prevent spread of the disease. “Collaboration between state and federal partners is essential in preventing the spread of highly pathogenic avian influe...

#USA, Highly Pathogenic Avian #Influenza #H5N1 Confirmed in Commercial #Poultry Flock in #Georgia, All Poultry Activities Suspended

Atlanta, Ga – Today, the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service confirmed a positive case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in a commercial poultry operation located in Elbert County, Georgia .  This is the first confirmed HPAI case in a commercial poultry operation in Georgia, and the fifth detection in the state of Georgia .  As a result of this detection , effective immediately, all in-state poultry exhibitions, shows, swaps, meets, and sales are suspended until further notice.   "For the first time since the ongoing, nationwide outbreak began in 2022, HPAI has been confirmed in a commercial poultry operation in the state of Georgia," said Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper.  "This is a serious threat to Georgia’s #1 industry and the livelihoods of thousands of Georgians who make their living in our state’s poultry industry. We are working around the c...

#USA, #USDA: APHIS Updates #Policy to Enhance #Surveillance of #Turkey #Flocks in Highly Pathogenic Avian #Influenza Affected States

WASHINGTON, January 17, 2025—As part of its ongoing, multi-faceted efforts to combat the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) today is updating its policy for pre-slaughter surveillance to enhance testing of turkey flocks in affected states .  In late December 2024, APHIS became aware of a genetic link between turkeys potentially infected with HPAI H5N1, virus detected in raw pet food, and an infected household cat . Out of an abundance of caution, and to remove a potential avenue for ongoing disease spread as well as to bolster consumer and trading partner confidence, APHIS collaborated with state animal health officials and the poultry industry to update its guidance for existing pre-slaughter surveillance steps to further ensure that affected poultry does not enter the food system. APHIS will continue to report confirmed HPAI detections to the World Organisation for Animal Health and on the APHIS website (m...

#USA, #FDA: #Cat and #Dog #Food #Manufacturers Required to Consider #H5N1 in Food #Safety Plans

January 17, 2025 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has determined that it is necessary for manufacturers of cat and dog foods who are covered by the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Preventive Controls for Animal Food (PCAF) rule and using uncooked or unpasteurized materials derived from poultry or cattle (e.g., uncooked meat, unpasteurized milk or unpasteurized eggs) to reanalyze their food safety plans to include Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus (specifically H5N1) as a known or reasonably foreseeable hazard .  Furthermore, the FDA is issuing this update to ensure that cat and dog food manufacturers are aware of information about the new H5N1 hazard associated with their pet food products, which is an additional reason that manufacturers must conduct a reanalysis of their food safety plans. The FDA is tracking cases of H5N1 in domestic and wild cats in California, Colorado, Oregon and Washington State that are associated with eating contaminated food products.  S...

#Italy, Avian #influenza {#H5N1}: a #cat tested positive after being in close contact with backyard #poultry

{Original Article in Italian, edited and translated}  17/01/2025 13:28 Bologna – In Valsamoggia (Bo) a case of avian influenza was found in a cat . The animal lived in close contact with the poultry of a small family farm where the avian infection had already been identified which had led, as required by law, to the suppression of all the poultry present. The positivity in the cat was diagnosed by the Forlì branch of the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna and confirmed by the National Reference Center for Avian Influenza. “Nothing new and no alarm,” commented Pierluigi Viale , professor of Infectious Diseases at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences at the University of Bologna and director of the Infectious Diseases Unit at the Sant’Orsola Polyclinic.  “The circulation of avian influenza is well known. Cats are already described in scientific literature as animals quite prone to contracting the ‘bird flu’ and there have been severa...

Low-Level #Zoonotic #Transmission of Clade C #MERS-CoV in #Africa: Insights from Scoping Review and Cohort Studies in #Hospital and Community Settings

Abstract Human outbreaks of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) are more common in Middle Eastern and Asian human populations , associated with clades A and B . In Africa , where clade C is dominant in camels , human cases are minimal. We reviewed 16 studies (n = 6198) published across seven African countries between 2012 and 2024 to assess human MERS-CoV cases. We also analyzed data from four cohort studies conducted in camel-keeping communities between 2018 and 2024 involving camel keepers, camel slaughterhouse workers , and hospital patients with acute respiratory illness (ARI). The analysis showed a pooled MERS-CoV prevalence of 2.4% (IQR: 0.6, 11.4) from 16 publications and 1.14% from 4 cohort studies (n = 2353). Symptomatic cases were rarely reported, with most individuals reporting camel contact, and only 12% had travel history to the Middle East. There was one travel-associated reported death , resulting in a mortality rate of 0.013%. The findings suggest a ...

#USA, #Monitoring for Avian #Influenza A(#H5) Virus In #Wastewater {Jan. 5-11 '25}

 {Excerpt} Time Period: January 05 - January 11, 2025 -- H5 Detection : 53 sites ( 15.8% ) -- No Detection : 282 sites ( 84.2% ) -- No samples in last week : 61 sites (...) Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, _____