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#Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Research #References (by AMEDEO, March 15 '25)


    Biochemistry (Mosc)

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    PubMed         Abstract available

    BMC Pediatr

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    Epidemic profile of COVID-19 child deaths in Sri Lanka: a retrospective nationwide analysis.
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    J Epidemiol Community Health

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    J Immunol

  7. GROVENSTEIN P, Bhatnagar N, Kim KH, Pal SS, et al
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  9. WANG M, Liu C, Fan Q, Sun Y, et al
    Rapid clonal expansion and somatic hypermutation contribute to the fate of SARS-CoV-2 broadly neutralizing antibodies.
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    J Infect Dis

  10. VILLALOBOS RODRIGUEZ AP, Wellington Perkins I, Moosavi S, de la Garza A, et al
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  11. REDONDO-BRAVO L, Zureick K, Voto C, Molina Avendano X, et al
    A Comparative Analysis of Universal and Sentinel Surveillance Data for Coronavirus Disease 2019: Insights From Argentina, Chile, and Mexico (2020-2022).
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  12. RODRIGUEZ A, Couto P, Acevedo A, Herrera BA, et al
    Strengthening the Surveillance and Response to Public Health Events With a One Health Approach: A Perspective From 12 Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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  13. MAIA IS, Kawano-Dourado L, Tramujas L, de Oliveira NE, et al
    High-Flow Nasal Oxygen vs Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients With Acute Respiratory Failure: The RENOVATE Randomized Clinical Trial.
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    MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep

  14. ZHU S, Harriman K, Liu C, Kraushaar V, et al
    Human Cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) - California, September-December 2024.
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    PLoS Comput Biol

  15. AMARAL AVR, Wolffram D, Moraga P, Bracher J, et al
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    PLoS Med

  16. AHMADI-ABHARI S, Bandosz P, Shipley MJ, Lindbohm JV, et al
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    PLoS One

  17. ADAMU H, Lawal S, Bawa IA, Sani AM, et al
    Prevalence and pattern of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination among adult population in Sokoto metropolis, northwest, Nigeria.
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  18. GONCALVES NV, Leal AL, Guimaraes HMMES, Bernardes AC, et al
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  19. DEGUCHI Y, Iwasaki S, Uesaka Y, Okawa Y, et al
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  20. HTET H, Wichaidit W, Chuaychai A, Sottiyotin T, et al
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    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

  22. WANG Q, Xu S, Shen W, Wei Y, et al
    N6-methyladnosine of vRNA facilitates influenza A virus replication by promoting the interaction of vRNA with polymerase proteins.
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    PubMed         Abstract available


    Next-generation seasonal influenza virus vaccines need a neuraminidase component.
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  24. OTIENO NA, Kalani R, Ayugi J, Nyawanda BO, et al
    Seasonal influenza vaccination in Kenya: What determines healthcare Workers' willingness to accept and recommend vaccination?
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    PubMed         Abstract available


  25. OSPINA-JIMENEZ AF, Gomez AP, Rincon-Monroy MA, Perez DR, et al
    A novel reassorted swine H3N2 influenza virus demonstrates an undetected human-to-swine spillover in Latin America and highlights zoonotic risks.
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    PubMed         Abstract available

  26. PAWAR SD, Keng SS, Tare DS, Balakrishnan A, et al
    Evidence of novel reassortment in clade avian influenza H5N1 viruses, India, 2024.
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    PubMed         Abstract available


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